Grant Park Tower Condos For Sale

This award-winning project combines luxury condos with a long list of popular amenities. Completed in 2004, the complex includes 43 townhomes around the perimeter and 284 condos in the 27 story tower. Amenities include year around swimming pool, professional quality fitness center, beautifully appointed party room, guest suites, and business meeting center.  This was the first residential high rise for Opus developers in the twin cities market.

Grant Park Condos for Sale In Minneapolis MN

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As a top producing team of Minneapolis real estate agents, we specialize in urban living in great condo developments like Grant Park Tower, The Groveland, Harvester Lofts, and other great Minneapolis condos. We'll help you with all of your Minneapolis real estate needs. If you're looking for St. Paul real estate, you should check out our directory of St. Paul condos.


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