Winslow House Condos For Sale In Minneapolis MN

Developed in the early 80s when interest in the East Bank/Main Street was beginning to heat up. It was appreciated as both as an investment benchmark (high quality) as well as for its architecture. Winslow House was designed by the noted Boston architect Benjamin Thompson, a St. Paul native, whose wildly popular Faneuil Hall-Quincy Marketplace had opened in Boston a few years before. The building is expressed in the brick cut-into-box imagery that was the visual hallmark of the so-called Boston-Minnesota axis throughout the 1970s.

Winslow House Condos For Sale In Minneapolis MN

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As a top producing team of Minneapolis real estate agents, we specialize in urban living in great condo developments like Winslow House, Whitney Residences, Zenith Condos, and other great Minneapolis condos. We'll help you with all of your Minneapolis real estate needs. If you're looking for St. Paul real estate, you should check out our directory of St. Paul condos.


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