Homes for Sale In 55436 | MN

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8 Merilane, Edina


8 Merilane, Edina

7 Beds 7 Baths 6,088 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6606032

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5104 Mirror Lakes Drive, Edina


5104 Mirror Lakes Drive, Edina

5 Beds 6 Baths 8,100 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6588025

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

4603 Merilane Avenue, Edina


4603 Merilane Avenue, Edina

6 Beds 7 Baths 6,024 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6658650

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5504 Dundee Road, Edina


5504 Dundee Road, Edina

5 Beds 6 Baths 6,451 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6638386

CompassRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5145 Kelsey Terrace, Edina


5145 Kelsey Terrace, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 7,152 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6647963

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5144 Ridge Trail, Edina


5144 Ridge Trail, Edina

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,781 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6655433

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5816 Olinger Road, Edina


↑ $300,900

5816 Olinger Road, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 5,303 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6528021

eXp RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5121 Blossom Court, Edina


5121 Blossom Court, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 5,360 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6671245

CompassRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

4700 Merilane Avenue, Edina


4700 Merilane Avenue, Edina

7 Beds 9 Baths 12,182 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6562339

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5000 Oak Bend Lane, Edina


5000 Oak Bend Lane, Edina

4 Beds 6 Baths 7,073 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6634037

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5316 Highwood Drive W, Edina


5316 Highwood Drive W, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 5,387 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6600361

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5008 Oak Bend Lane, Edina


5008 Oak Bend Lane, Edina

5 Beds 7 Baths 9,367 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6639636

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5516 Chantrey Road, Edina


5516 Chantrey Road, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 5,414 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6647398

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

6321 Interlachen Boulevard, Edina


6321 Interlachen Boulevard, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 8,269 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6658029

eXp RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

6612 Parkwood Road, Edina


6612 Parkwood Road, Edina

4 Beds 6 Baths 7,055 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6637847

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5616 Johnson Drive, Edina


5616 Johnson Drive, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 5,289 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6648673

Bridge Realty, LLCRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5008 Kelsey Terrace, Edina


5008 Kelsey Terrace, Edina

6 Beds 6 Baths 5,963 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6649881

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5713 Parkwood Lane, Edina


5713 Parkwood Lane, Edina

4 Beds 5 Baths 5,637 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6575727

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5833 Vernon Lane, Edina


5833 Vernon Lane, Edina

3 Beds 3 Baths 3,673 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6497053

Keller Williams Premier Realty Lake MinnetonkaRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

5033 William Avenue, Edina


5033 William Avenue, Edina

5 Beds 5 Baths 4,040 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6652832

Edina Realty, Inc.Regional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

6416 Willow Wood Road, Edina


6416 Willow Wood Road, Edina

4 Beds 4 Baths 4,405 SqFt Residential MLS® # 6604693

Coldwell Banker RealtyRegional Multiple Listing Service of Minnesota Logo

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