Plenty of our clients come to us in search of a classic old Minneapolis home, something loaded with historical details that newer homes simply don't have.  Some buyers are looking for that 'fixer upper' while others are looking for something more along the lines of a move in ready.  No matter the case, there is a certain amount of due diligence these types of homes require relative to the rest when making a purchase.  Below are the top 5 things we recommend every one of our clients get comfortable with from the start.



  One of the first things to consider when purchasing an older home for sale in Minneapolis is maintenance. Any home is going to have a…

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The Minneapolis City Council has lifted the moratorium on teardowns and new construction. We believe this is a wise move for all involved. Under the lifted moratorium, property owners can once again tear down their old home and build a new one, thereby seeking to improve their property and its value. Minneapolis homeowners should have the right to do this as long as applicable codes are followed, in our opinion.

Neighborhood residents also benefit from increasing property values, because "a rising tide lifts all boats," as they say. Lastly, the City benefits from a higher tax base, so this appears to us to be a "win-win-win" for everyone.

Download an official copy of the Minneapolis Residential Construction Management Agreement to see new…

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Summer is finally here for owners in Minneapolis Lakes area homes and downtown Minneapolis condos.  For the few months that provide respectable grilling conditions outdoors below is a handy info graphic to review prior to getting into the swing of things.

Easy tips for grilling like a pro! (Infographic)! (Infographic)

Here's a helpful list of the correct equipment you will need to grill outside:

  • A gas or charcoal grill. You can use both, and each one has its advantages. Gas is easy to light, control, and clean. Charcoal is a lot more work, but it gives food a smokiness that gas can never imitate. If you use charcoal, you also need a starter: don't even think about lighter fluid! And of course, whatever grill you use, the grates should be reasonably clean and alway oil before use.
  • A pair of tongs.…

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