7 Ways to find the best real estate agent to sell your Minneapolis Condo or Minneapolis House in 2013
Posted by Ben Ganje on
Here in Minneapolis, there are a few thousand real estate agents who handle residential properties. Some of these Minneapolis realtors work part-time, some of them full-time, some good, bad and in between. So how do you know which one to hire when you are thinking about selling your Minneapolis condo or Minneapolis home? And how do you know which agent specializes in the market? Depending on whether you live in the North Loop, around the lakes area, or somewhere in between? Here are a few tips to consider when choosing that right Minneapolis Realtor to list your home for sale:
- Don’t hire someone who is a close friend or family. I'll be brutally honest, (and this is #1 for a reason) you simply can’t mix business and friends/family. Your home is…
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